Monday, May 5, 2008

Spring Shape Up

Week 2 results are in. I'm down a total of 5lbs. Yay! I guess I've lost my winter weight and I have to get serious now. I went walking three times this week but I was still a little sick so I didn't do as much as I should have. I'm going to set a goal to get five workouts in this week with some strength training added in. This is totally boring stuff for anyone reading this I'm sure but it will help keep me motivated, hopefully. We have a trip to Southern Utah planned for June so that will be a good incentive to get in shape so I can survive the hikes!


Laila said...

Great job! I have recently lost about 9 lbs, but it was tough. I still have some more to go but have to gear myself up for some hard work.
Thanks for motivating me to get going again!

Cindy said...

9 lbs is awesome! And I was starting to get lazy (you know the slump that usually hits around week 3, okay maybe that's just me!) so your success will keep me motivated for another week.