Sunday, May 18, 2008


I've Been Tagged!

How to play this game of tag. Post these rules on your blog. List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random/surprising facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1~My family. I really got lucky with them.
2~Decorating my house. Or rather now that I'm basically done, coming up with things to repaint so I don't get bored with it.
3~A good non-fiction book.

1~That I will fail as a mom and not be what my kids really need in a mom.
2~I'm kind of a hypochondriac so I'm frequently fearing I've contracted some deadly ailment.
3~That gas will go up to $10 a gallon.

1~To go back to school when Noah starts first grade.
2~Run a couple 5k races and get in great shape this year.
3~Play the piano well someday.

1~Let's see, I'm not much of a collector but I do have a lot of painted wood chachkies or knick-knacks or whatever in my house.
2~One obsession is the presidential election. It gets annoying sometimes but I really can't stop following it on a daily basis. Probably because it seems like the most important election I've seen in my lifetime.
3~Color. There are nine different colors of paint on the walls in my house.

Random or Surprising Facts:
1~When I was a Freshman in college I occasionally talked to this engaged guy at the LDS Institute (building for religion classes for Mormon students). He gave me a ride home one day and asked me if I'd kiss him so he could have one last fling before he got married. I laughed and told him I didn't think so. It probably would have been a waste of a kiss for him since I'd only kissed one guy up to that point in my life. I wonder if the marriage lasted with a start like that.
2~When I was at BYU, out of desperation I took a job as a model for the art classes. I chickened out and quit on my first day because I couldn't bare being seen in the flesh-colored bikini you had to wear (since of course BYU doesn't have nude models). I ended up instead as a janitor in the art building working at 3:30 am.
3~I love to read out loud to my kids good rhyming children's books.

Sunny Jim, Moon Face, Weepy Weed, Buffalo Bill, Biffalo Buff

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

9 colors of paint is obsessive? I counted at least 15 different colors in my house. You can't go wrong with lots of color!! Becky