Saturday, June 27, 2009

What DO You Do In The Summertime??

First it was all cold and rainy and we didn't know what to do. So we went bowling. Me and the kids. They all kicked my butt. I haven't improved much since I was a girl of ten and on a bowling league with my siblings. What was that score I got on that one game back then? Oh yeah, a 5. Five! Do you know what the highest score in bowling is? That's right, 300. And bowling is supposed to be in my genes. Well, I didn't do quite as poorly this time. Got into the 70s in the second game. And the kids were using the bumpers. The bowling attendant wouldn't let me use the bumpers.

Then it was too HOT! Just a week later. We had to get out of the house. Hot and bored. Bad combination. So into the "big city" we drive. I have a new scheme in mind. I want to learn to play the guitar. I know! My secret calling in life is to play kick *@&* piano on stage while singing songs with thought provoking lyrics. Oh, wait. That's not my life. It's Ben Folds'. Anyway, I haven't given up on my secret, inevitable passion. But I've moved on to the guitar. I thought, since I'm going back to school with hopes of pursuing a degree in elementary ed. some day, that learning to play the guitar could be a fun asset. Do a little "This Land Is Your Land" and "Kumbaya" with the students. Yes, I realize it is not, in fact, 1978. I'll have to learn some new songs. So Zoe wanted to go look at guitars so we headed out to Target. Just window shopping. It turns out that Adam Levine of Maroon 5 has his own line of guitars over at Target, along with a lesson manual with a few of his band's hits to learn to play. Who knew? Mighty enticing, but we're not quite ready to commit just yet.

So from there it was off to PetSmart to browse the pets. We have no pets, as you may know. But it can't hurt to look, right? Stinkiest store I have ever been in. But, pets we did see. Fish, reptiles, vermin, etc., etc. I was tempted to get a simple little goldfish but no one helpful was around and we've already had one regrettable fish incident and didn't need another on our hands. So I needed to know what to do to keep this thing alive at least for a couple of weeks. We all thought the little hamster and white mice were cute, spinning around in their little wheels. But then you see about six of them crammed on one wheel, spinning and spinning and spinning. After a little bit you start thinking too much about those little spinning rodents and you start to get a little nauseous. I start softening though and thinking: Oh, a little pet. Wouldn't it be fun for the kids? But then I remember. Every animal poops. I don't need the extra excrement. I was softening a bit, though. Maybe someday I'll cave in and my poor children will get that furry critter they've been wanting. Maybe a lizard.

We finally left the pet store and made our way over to the shady Jordan River Parkway. The pond and playground were looking up this time around. They've implemented a "Do Not Feed The Ducks" policy (and sign). The place is no longer full of bird doo doo. Or crazy ducks and geese. Yeah, it was fun feeding the birds, but not worth the mess. So I was happy about the change. The kids played on the playground for a bit then we went for a walk down the parkway path. Very patriotic people live by the parkway in this area. There was nary a home without a flagpole and old glory waving. Very patriotic. We made it to the bridge and the wind was kicking up again and the rain was on its way, and Noah was tired of walking. So we made our way back to the car and returned home from our hot summer's day journey.

Reunion Week

So how did the twenty year reunion go, anyway? Well, let me tell was kind of fun and kind of boring. There's not a ton to tell about the actual reunion. It was five hours of dinner and mingling. With a silly song performed by a couple classmates thrown in for good measure. The most notable thing was seeing a room full of people my age. Seriously, I live in a place surrounded by people who are a few years younger than me. Most of them are 5-10 years younger. A few are older. Very few are the same age as me. It's fine. Whatever. It's just a little surreal being in a room of around 200 people where nearly everyone there is 37 or 38 years old. It was sort of like, we're really not in our twenties anymore. Hmm.
The next day was lunch with some of the old girlfriends. That was fun. This wasn't anything new. We get together every year or two when we're all around. A couple of days later was the Murray/Jordan shindig/brawl/smackdown/et al. Back in high school some of my friends and I had a group of friends from Murray High School. The Murray Guys, as they were known. Yeah, I know, not that creative. How do I describe them? I don't know. They were just great guys and tons of fun. It was great to see how they were, see and hear about their families. Tell old stories. Stories like when we got into the fender bender on the way to pick everyone up for the homecoming dance after we talked Sor into driving (even though his parents were out of town and told him, "DO NOT DRIVE THE SUBURBAN.") And how Barn (Brian) and Sor (Bryan) would drive around with Skippy (Chris) in the trunk of their car. Goofy teenage stuff. But they were good, fun guys. The kind of guys you hope your daughters will have as friends when they are teenagers.
Jason, Candie, Sor, Becky, Me, Dave

Me, Becky, Barn (paper plate stand in), Steve,
Mindy, Candie, Sor

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Twenty Years Ago

I cannot believe I have been out of high school for twenty years! I was thinking I don't feel that old but I think I'm changing that to "38 isn't old, darn it!" Tomorrow is the Jordan High School Class of 1989 20 year reunion. I wanted to go, then I didn't. I'd seen all these people on facebook so I didn't think I really needed to see them in person since I'd seen their pictures, and kids' pictures, employment status, etc. But my good friend Becky, who I've kept in touch with all these years, talked me into going. So now that it's here (almost), I'm kind of excited. Don't have super high expectations. Don't have to settle any old issues or find "closure" with anyone. So we'll just be hanging out in the back corner, making fun of people. Okay, not really (not much anyway). I did hear of a fun game Brent and I can play if we get bored. It's called "Who Won". The way you play is you look at a couple and decide who got the best deal, or is the winner, in the pairing. I hear it's great to play while standing in lines at Disneyland.

You were wondering what I looked like twenty years ago, right?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Summertime....It's Time

School is officially out! Yesterday was the last day for Isabella and Zoe, Noah finished last week. I'll spare you the harrowing, psychological drama that is swirling through my head over having all three of my kids in school full time next year and how it's the end of a significant part of raising our family. A milestone moment, if you will....met with all sorts of mixed feelings!!!!

Zoe is starting off the summer sick, poor girl. Monday we will start our "summer school" books. Those are just workbooks we do on our own to make sure the kids brains don't turn to mush. Just a page a day and reading too, of course. I've got a million organizing projects to get done this summer. You know when you move into a house, like seven and a half years ago, and you stick stuff in cabinets and closets and never see it again? I've got lots of that to deal with. Plus the rest of the junk that has been crammed in front of it all. I'm not an organized person. Correction, I am surface organized. You know, everything you can see out in the open looks nice and neat (I actually consider it a compliment that I've been called a Stepford Wife before), but if you open a drawer or closet door it's complete and utter chaos. So we'll be working on alleviating this problem, at least until the next seven and a half years rolls around. I'll be cracking the whip at the children. Most of it for a nominal fee though. Teach them the value of earning a buck.

Other events on the horizon (So you know I'm not just a mean old mom):
Swim lessons for Isabella and Noah
Summer School for Zoe (her idea)
Piano lessons for Isabella and Zoe (let's see if we can finally get this thing going)
and hopefully some fun adventures!