Thursday, June 4, 2009

Summertime....It's Time

School is officially out! Yesterday was the last day for Isabella and Zoe, Noah finished last week. I'll spare you the harrowing, psychological drama that is swirling through my head over having all three of my kids in school full time next year and how it's the end of a significant part of raising our family. A milestone moment, if you will....met with all sorts of mixed feelings!!!!

Zoe is starting off the summer sick, poor girl. Monday we will start our "summer school" books. Those are just workbooks we do on our own to make sure the kids brains don't turn to mush. Just a page a day and reading too, of course. I've got a million organizing projects to get done this summer. You know when you move into a house, like seven and a half years ago, and you stick stuff in cabinets and closets and never see it again? I've got lots of that to deal with. Plus the rest of the junk that has been crammed in front of it all. I'm not an organized person. Correction, I am surface organized. You know, everything you can see out in the open looks nice and neat (I actually consider it a compliment that I've been called a Stepford Wife before), but if you open a drawer or closet door it's complete and utter chaos. So we'll be working on alleviating this problem, at least until the next seven and a half years rolls around. I'll be cracking the whip at the children. Most of it for a nominal fee though. Teach them the value of earning a buck.

Other events on the horizon (So you know I'm not just a mean old mom):
Swim lessons for Isabella and Noah
Summer School for Zoe (her idea)
Piano lessons for Isabella and Zoe (let's see if we can finally get this thing going)
and hopefully some fun adventures!


Kiirsi said...

Tell Zoe we hope she gets better soon! Ciara and Nia both have coughs right now, too. Doesn't seem fair in the warm weather!

Kayleigh Mattison Hales said...

Don't you just love cracking the whip??

Anne Chovies said...

"Surface organized". I like that term. That's my goal as far as organization goes. Just enough to know where most of my stuff is. There are too many other fun things going on to spend any more time on it than that.

Babbling Flower said...

Just realized I wasn't following you on here anymore... kind of sad. Apparently when I redid my profile it messed it up? I'm back!!