Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mommy Music

Mother's day always makes me think about when I was pregnant or when my kids were babies. Does anyone besides me have a certain song that reminds them of when they were pregnant with their kids? Whenever I hear that Chumbawumba song, "Tubthumping", it reminds me of when I was pregnant with Isabella. The last month of my pregnancy they must have played that song on the radio a dozen times a day. I don't even like that song that much but it brings back fond memories of those last few babyless days in my life (and barely fitting behind the wheel of my car where I would likely be when I heard the song.) The song "Allstar" by Smashmouth always makes me think of being pregnant with Zoe. That song I loved. It was fun to sing along with when driving down the road to my checkups at the doctor's. As for when I was pregnant with Noah, it's Vanessa Carlston's song "Thousand Miles". This song is particularly memorable because everytime I heard it the pregnancy hormone's would kick in and I would start crying. It got to be comical at a certain point because I'd hear the song come on the radio and I could actually make myself start crying, which would then make me laugh!

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