Monday, May 5, 2008

Top Ten List

I got an email from my good friend Laila after I started my blog saying she'd read it. She said my "get to know you quiz" reminded her of the Top Ten Lists we used to make when we were roommates at BYU. So I thought it would be fun to make one. This one's dedicated to you Laila!

Top Ten List (in no particular order)

1. Running (okay jogging really) early in the morning in the Spring and Summer, just about the only good reason I can think of to get up before 7am.

2. Blond hair. I'm so glad my kids got the light blond hair I had as a kid!

3. Good Craftsman architecture and kitchens with creamy white cabinets and subway tiles. Some people enjoy paintings in art museums, for me great home design is a work of art.

4. Springtime in my town. It's really green and pretty for about three or four weeks.

5. Fresh cut tulips in a vase on my kitchen table. I know it only happens once a year but I enjoy it while it's there.

6. Going for walks with my family after dinner (the 10% of the time that no one cries or is too tired or has a tummyache....).

7. Chatting with Brent at the end of the day before we roll over and go to sleep.

8. Summer vacation. Outings with the kids, crickets on cool evenings, and no packing lunches before bedtime!

9. Grey's Anatomy. I can't help it, I'm a little addicted to that show!

10. Scooters. Best form of kid transportation ever! They're easy to toss in the back of the van, you don't have to feel guilty when you send your kids off to school without a helmet, and they're fun. That's why I have one too.


Laila said...

Thanks, Cindy! I made a list too!

1. Chocolate - I know, this one is obvious to anyone who knows me!
2. The smell after it rains - After it rained today I thought of this one.
3. My ipod - I’ve had mine for 4 years now, and I love it! It may be outdated, but it is still great!
4. The laughter of my children - there’s nothing like a hearty laugh to make you feel good!
5. The mountains in the summertime - I hope we can really go camping this year!
6. “What Not to Wear” - I watch this way too often, but for some reason it is addicting!
7. Shopping with my husband - I usually dread shopping, and he always seems to make it enjoyable.
8. Sunday’s - This has always been my favorite day. I even get to take a nap most of the time!
9. A (really) clean house - ok, this never happens but I can dream, right?!?
10. Shoes - Right now I just have a few decent pairs, but someday I’ll have a closetful!

Cindy said...

Thanks for posting your top ten list. Those were so fun back in the day. Your lucky you have a husband who likes to shop with you!

Jules said...

Loved the top 10 list! Your home is a work of art. I loved looking at your living room Tuesday and seeing all the possibilities. Even though our floor plan is the same, I don't think my living room will ever look as nice. I'm picking out paint colors this week. HELP?!

I think one of my top 10 would be a Saturday with nothing scheduled. That was today. It was soooo nice.

Cindy said...

Thanks! You are too kind. Your house will get there, just give it time. If you ever need help just call. Wow! Five kids and a free Saturday. That must qualify as a miracle!