Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Hippie Freak?

Have I turned into a hippie freak? Last week I realized I officially have one million plastic grocery bags stuffed into a closet. I think it's about a lifetime supply of bags for the bathroom garbage and for Brent to take his lunch to work. I can't bring myself to throw them away or drag them back to the grocery store and shove them all in the recycling thingy. I also can't add anymore to the million I already have so I broke down and bought the reusable grocery bags. So since I bought them I had to talk myself into actually using them so I carried the big stack into Walmart today and stuck them in the cart. After that I was pretty sure everyone in the store was staring at me and my grocery bags thinking derogatory terms (derogatory terms in these parts anyway:) like "hippie!" and "tree hugger" as I pushed my cart past them. It's not so much that those names bug me, besides my hippie cred will always be seriously questioned by the fact that I won't be smoking anything funny anytime soon. I just in general don't like to bring too much attention to myself. Fly under the radar, as I like to say. Okay, I'm sure no one was paying attention too me. It just felt that way and I couldn't help but apologize to the checker for inconveniencing her.
So let's recap. Hippie freak? Let's see, recycling? Check. Vegetarian? (For the moment anyway, probably will only stay semi.) Check. Obama bumper sticker? Check. Reusable grocery bags? Check. Long dresses made of hemp? Check. Stopped shaving? Check. Just kidding on those last two. REALLY. Apparently I'm above average on the shaving anyway, shaving the legs everyday and all. Hate the feel of stubble.


Unknown said...

I'm so glad you said just kidding to those last two things. I was starting to get scared. Really, I was nervous.

Cindy said...

Eew! Yes let me reiterate. I do not own a hemp dress and I most assuredly DO shave! :)

Kayleigh Mattison Hales said...

Matt will love the ecological advances you've made! He keeps trying to get me to take my own bags to the store, but I've (kind of) found an alternative. Motherswithoutborders.com supposedly has instructions on cutting the plastic bags into strips for African women to weave into purses, hats, etc. to sell. I looked, but didn't find the instructions, but didn't put a lot of effort into it. Once I do, I'l be double-bagging my groceries!

Cindy said...

Sounds like a worthy cause once you get it all figured out!

Anonymous said...

Good For you- Girlfriend!!!

Dorine said...

I have four very similar bags that live in the back of my car. However, I have to admit being motivated because I shop at Aldi grocery store and they don't supply you with bags.