Sunday, February 22, 2009


Valentine's Day was pretty great this year. We didn't have time to put together this Gingerbread Christmas Tree kit I got back in December so we decided to make a Valentine's Tree. I think it turned out much better than our annual gingerbread house usually does. Less room for impatience induced mess. So it was a fun FHE activity with the kids. Brent gave me some beautiful pink tulips, my favorite flowers. Brent's mom volunteered to babysit on Valentine's Day (thank you Cathy!) so we got to go on a date. A valentine's date isn't usually a priority around here so that was pretty cool. We went out to dinner and talked about silly stuff and laughed and laughed, having a great time. It was so nice being out together because it has been a really dreadful, depressing post Christmas winter season for me. I always get kind of depressed in January. Christmas is over, weather is dreary, life is kind of boring. Kind of that seasonal affective disorder I guess. Maybe I need to go sit under a lamp every Saturday through the end of winter. Last year I was able to avoid the whole thing because I had "Election Fever". This year that was all over, of course. So I'd go turn of CNN, often a happy place for me, and all I would see is two senators or pundits arguing about the stimulus thing and how it wasn't going to work and how the whole country and world are going to you know where in a hand basket. There was no love there. Not even from Wolf or Anderson. So the date was a great evening away from everything. We ended it going to see the movie He's Just Not That Into You, which was much better than I thought it would be and one of the better chick flicks I've seen in a while. Brent even liked it.


Alicia said...

I love that you made a gingerbread house for V-day! Maybe a new tradition? :) Mat and I went out this weekend and saw "He's just not that into you". We laughed real real hard!!

Kayleigh Mattison Hales said...

Your kids are going to grow up with some great memories!