Thursday, February 26, 2009

Just My Opinion

Blogging Don'ts:

Don't put pictures of your kid's poo on your blog. More than once I've seen a picture of a baby's dirty diaper or the remains of a toddler's naptime hijinks posted on a blog for all the world to see. This is brought to you usually by women who would probably never think to put swear words on their blog. But trust me, a picture of your kid's poo is far more profane than any swear word could ever be.

Don't post more than one picture of your baby or toddler eating a meal in his or her high chair with food smeared all over his or her face. Especially if the kid's mouth is open and full of chunks of cheese. I understand that once in a great while it's kind of cute (except for the open mouthed cheese part). Heck, I have a black and white picture of Noah with food on his face in a Blurb book. But in my defense, this was cake on his first birthday and he has this look on his face that says "Who Me?" One picture is okay, but continuing to put this kind of picture on your blog is excessive and, let's face it, just plain gross.

As a disclaimer, this isn't directed towards anyone I know personally. Just some things I've stumbled upon randomly. :)


Anonymous said...

ROFL!!!! I love your insights! You are the best!

Kayleigh Mattison Hales said...

Ugh! People can be so gross!

Deborah Allen said...

I agree. Honesty! I am a stay at home mom too, so I understand what you're going through. But, if you can't find something more interesting to blog about than poop, you need an attitude overhall and a life!

Deborah Allen said...

(oops. that was supposed to say "Honestly!" forgot the L)

The Funky Bunch said...

Well I'm glad to say I'm safe from this and haven't done that! I would never think of posting poop...and hope to never stumble upon it either!