Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What's Up (with bonus bad British accent)

Just so you know for the future- January IS NOT the month you throw new things at me. Christmas is over, the cheeriness is gone and winter, along with a million inches of smoggy disgusting air, has settled in for a long nap. Along with my "seasonal affective disorder" it also brings on a hormonal meltdown for some strange reason. Probably caused by the pollution. Hmmph. This is the place? Maybe if you're able to spend a month every winter in Hawaii it is. I think Zoe feels it too (just came in here and let out a big whine and collapsed onto the floor). Luckily, two years ago I came down with a case of "election fever" which distracted me quite nicely. Hmm, wonder who's winning the election for Kennedy's seat....

....Okay, I'm back. Looks tight. Could be bad news. Can't say I'm all that into it anyway. But you know which way I'm leaning. Okay, so where was I? Oh yeah, I hate January. Or does it hate me? Maybe if I just say it and get it over with I can start thinking more positively about things. The Sunday before winter semester started (little over a week ago) I was totally blindsided by being asked to be first counselor in the primary at church (you know, for kids). Why is it so hard for me to spell the word counselor? (councilor? councelor?) And google doesn't help. It had me spelling it the British way: "I'm the new councilor in the primary. Well isn't that just brilliant! Pip, pip!" said with a bad British accent. So clearly the radar I'd been comfortably flying under for some time had been reset wrong. And this was all THE DAY BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS!!! So naturally I freaked out and dropped a class and called myself out on being a loser for doing so. The good news is I still have my online art class (humanities type class) and it's more confusing than I hoped it would be. So I'm trying to stay positive. *You're an adult Cindy. You can handle this.* Just not what I expected I guess.

So I told Brent I can go about my new responsibilities in one of two ways: I can get one of my many planners out and get nice and organized. Or I can go about it like a bull in a china shop . Can I just apologize to my fellow ward members in advance?


Kayleigh Mattison Hales said...

Congrats on your new calling! I'm sure it will all work out and even be fun.
p.s. Don't breathe the air and pray that the groundhog sees his shadow (or doesn't see his shadow - I can never remember which means only six more weeks of winter).

Anonymous said...

Cindy Cindy Cindy!!! You are an amazing person, AND you are going to be Amazing in this new adventure!!!! :D
Love you, my Dear, Dear friend!!!!