Monday, July 28, 2008

This brain of mine

My brain is a scary place. I'm sure if you cut it open and looked at a cross-section of it, it would look something like an explosion in a penny candy and yarn factory. To put it mildly, it's a mess. There are days when I just feel like it's firing little explosions all over the place with that beep-beep sound of the garbage truck backing up all the while in the background. This is what I've done today: I got up around 8 a.m. after pushing snooze a few times. Turned on the computer twice, because the computer seems to like it better that way. My plan was to go for a short run and do a workout downstairs. Instead I mess around on the computer for too long until I start to see children surface from the basement. So we go look into eating breakfast and I get in an argument with Zoe. I send her to her room, tell her to do four pages of her summer school workbook. Change my mind a minute later and before you know it she's cleaning the bathroom. This leads me to decide we need to clean the whole house, top to bottom, because it is a mess. So I send Isabella off to clean the master bathroom thinking Noah and I will tackle the other one. Instead I change my mind and I'm off doing the bills. I realize that it is now lunchtime and the kids should go get dressed so they can eat (a new development for the girls, being told every other day to get dressed.) An hour more of me doing who knows what and I realize I should go take a shower and get dressed myself. A friend calls for Zoe and I tell her Zoe needs to do chores before she can play. As I hang up I think, no we need to go to the grocery store instead. So I take a shower and pretty much scrap all plans, for now.
In our "art room" sits a sewing machine that took a month for Isabella to convince me to get out so we could sew a purse she wanted to make. I took the machine out last week and told Isabella we'd try to get around to using it by the end of the week (I'm being realistic here). So we worked on that four days later and then I decided we should finally work on the sewing project they got for Christmas six months ago. We do half of it and I tell them we'll finish the rest tomorrow, we'll probably finish it by Friday, at least most of it. I've led my children into who knows how many incomplete projects. I'm constantly telling Brent about one crazy scheme or another. He listens patiently to me, knowing I'll have lost interest in a day or two. I have the hardest time getting organized, but then I can turn on a dime and clean and organize non-stop for eight hours. I haven't taken the kids to the dentist in four years. Partly because I'm an anti-dentite who thinks dental work is a sham. It's my parents fault for never taking me to the dentist as a kid, my first time was when I was 18. Luckily I've never had a cavity. Another reason they haven't been is because I can't get organized enough to call the office, especially when I know they won't be able to get us in for a month and a half. I'm sure I have ADD, at least a minor case, but I'll never get around to getting it diagnosed, and the thought of a 37 year old woman on Ritalin is just silly. It isn't debilitating, this self diagnosed ADD, and I don't think it makes me a terrible mom, just a flawed one. But it sure is annoying and gets in the way of functioning as I should from time to time. It also explains why we have canned soup for dinner more than any family ought to. Speaking of which, I better wrap this up. I only have two more hours of getting distracted before I have to figure out dinner for tonight!


Unknown said...

I'm sorr to laugh, but that was downright hilarios! My brain does that too me too. Often! At least you know you aren't alone and you are right, it doesn't make you a bad mother, just a more entertaining and interesting one!

The Funky Bunch said...

I definitely think MANY moms go through this. I always start the day with a list of things I want/need to do. Usually when I'm in bed at the end of the day I realize most of that list didn't get done! It's SO hard some days. And lots of days I don't even have motivation to do anything. You're awesome for doing 8 hours of cleaning once in a while! I HATE cleaning with a passion!

Traci S. said...

Well Cindy, if it makes you feel any better, I have always thought you were an awesome mom. You take excellent care of your children. They are always clean and dressed so cute. Any time I have been to your house it has been spotless. It is obvious that you love your family and take good care of them. I guess what I am saying is that no matter how you get there, you definitely get there! So don't be too hard on yourself. I think you are doing an amazing job! :)

Traci S. said...



I think that reading your blog just now made my caving in to the blogging world all worth it! I feel like I just accomplished 2 things...blogging and getting my exercise in from laughing so freakin' hard at this entry! You are awesome Cindy!

Anonymous said...

...and this is a problem because...???

Anonymous said...

Cindy- I think we are the same person! I was in bed until 9:18 this morning (I did read a chapter of the BOM but please don't ask me to remember what I read!!) I was going to go to the gym but changed my mind so I'm wandering around doing nothing. Megan isn't dressed and her diaper is down to her knees.....I could go on and on!You are a fantastic mom and have wonderful kids. Can you move to Seattle so we can be neighbors? It's cloudy and 60 degrees today...c'mon you know you want to! LOL Becky

Cindy said...

You know I'd love to. The Utah desert is killing me!

adabelle said...

Have I told you how much I LOVE your blog! You are a breath of fresh air!!

Thank you for your memory of me on my blog. How do you and apparently others of our same age group remember specifics from over 5 years ago?! I remember that day that you wrote about--now that you've stirred my aging brain. We did cartwheels and other acrobatics as well. And had a water balloon fight, I think?

mommyshan said...

I really needed to read that today! Thanks again for another great entry... I always look forward to what your thinking.

Marc Gingell said...

Ha Ha! I am the exact same way. I never get anything done because as I go to put one thing away I see something else that needs to be done. By the end of the day I have been working all day long and it looks like I have done NOTHING! lol