Friday, January 29, 2010

This blog has turned into a series of incoherent rambles

Ugg. Why is it painful trying to help Isabella convert pints to quarts and quarts to gallons and ounces to tons? It feels like your brain is trying to reach back through the recesses of time to that week in 3rd grade. After which you never bothered with it again (apparenty these days they are a bit more thorough.) Then your brain is being twisted in seven different directions.

Yesterday I watched the rest of the State of The Union Address. What struck me most about the whole thing was the bizarreness of watching congress stand up and applaud every three minutes. Then I noticed that there are far more women in congress who are democrats than republicans. I only noticed one female republican, not that there aren't more I suppose, that's just what I noticed. I also noticed that all those democrat women in congress like to dress like colorful polyester adorned peacocks. If I were in congress I'd definitely go for a more neutral looking dress suit or pant suit. Just sayin'.

All week I listened to classical music for my art class. A little Mozart. A little Verdi. A lot of Henry Purcell-from the Baroque period. My two favorite songs by Henry Purcell were "Scene of The Drunken Poet" from the semi opera The Fairy Queen and "Your Hay It Is Mow'd" from the semi opera King Arthur. They both had the added benefit of having cool titles too. Henry was my man to do a short paper on. Did you know school is a bit more complicated than it was back in the 1990s? When you submit your paper for your online class there is a thing that will check for you to see if you are a plagiarizer. It's so nice of them to warn you like that, huh?

So we took the kids to this family fun place for Noah's birthday a couple of weekends ago. We skated a bit and rode the crappy rides and watched the magician. The guy running the bumper car things- they were bumper cars with a big inner tube at the bottom- he starts the ride without checking to see if the riders had buckled themselves up. Noah hadn't and so after a second the guy stopped it and then kept restarting it because he was too impatient to wait for Noah. Seriously dude, your job consists of walking around and making sure a dozen people have their seatbelts on then pushing go and stop. It's not brain surgery! Then the kids rode this other ride that was kind of like a ferris wheel with things that spun in a circle. Brent rode it with Noah the first time then later Noah wanted to ride it alone so he could spin it whatever way he wanted. But they let some teenage boy sit with Noah and he kept spinning it as fast as he could. Noah was all smiles at first, then it was less and less until he did not look happy at all. The boy finally notice and slowed down. I think it may have occurred to him that he may have been in danger of having a seven year old barf all over him. Noah was ready to leave when that ride was over.

While we were there we were checking out the magician and he was doing some disappearing act with his assistant. After, Brent and I were commenting that we both liked that song that was blaring while the magician did his thing. I said it was Talking Heads or at least David Byrne. Brent disagreed. Because he's more of an expert on Talking Heads and David Byrne than I am. How do you explain that I knew David Byrne was from Baltimore and he didn't then? Huh? So when we got home I had to prove him wrong, but I couldn't! I could only remember three words of the song at that point so I google in the phrase "hold my hand" and "sounds like talking heads". The first thing that comes up is those exact words (of course) and a song by some band from the '90s called Rusted Root. So at least I was right that someone else out there thought the song sounded like Talking Heads. Google is awesome! Another example of that is Brent the other day saying to me, "Who's that actor? The one with the weird nose who tried to commit suicide?" Me, "I don't know." Brent,"Sure you do." So I google in "actor tried to commit suicide weird nose" and Owen Wilson comes right up. I'm going to find something really useful to google one of these days.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE your incoherent rambles - keep rambling!

Anonymous said...

you make me smile. ty :)

Ritsumei said...

Nothing wrong with rambles. I just got called to primary too, but I'm doing singing time, which will be fun. Those songs sound entertaining. I may have to go look them up.

Unknown said...

Great song - makes me smile! You are funny and I like your sense of humor!