See we did get a decent Christmas Card picture after all. We're having a great Christmas so far. Last night for Christmas Eve Brent's mom, Cathy, slept over. It's about the fourth time she's done that and it's always great to have her here. We had a nice dinner then did Santa's sugar cookies. Then we sang some Christmas carols and finished reading a Christmas story we'd been working on. None of the kids stayed up way late this year, yay! Everyone was really mellow and NICE to each other! It was great! Today was very relaxing and nice too. We braved the storm on the other side of the mountain to visit my dad and Diane. Returned a couple hours later and kicked back at home. The snow finally hit us around 7 pm after a day of weird, wacky, windy weather. At least it finally made it. You gotta have snow on Christmas. Now the kids are running around playing with the walkie-talkies they got for Christmas. My favorite quote of the day was Noah after getting his football Christmas pajamas last night and a shirt with a football on it today: "I'm really not into football that much." It was just a coincidence he got two football clothing items. I'm not really into football much either, Noah.
I just want to say how blessed I am to spend Christmas with Brent and these kids. I am so lucky to have such great people in my life. I'd also like to let my kids know what a special time of year this is, when we get that extra opportunity to remember our Savior Jesus Christ and his birth and life. Heres hoping everyone out there is having a wonderful Christmas day!

Christmas Eve PJs. Stand in front of the dead Christmas tree and say cheese!
And a very merry christmas to you and your whole family, too, Cindy
It's sounds like your Christmas was as nice as ours. I'm so glad we didn't have to brave the storm to go anywhere. I did have to take the kids to their dad's, but the snow held off until after I got back home. Merry Christmas!
Noah is so funny! At least he's being honest! Lol! Sounds like you guys had a great Christmas!
your pics are so cute ! glad to hear you had a great christmas !
Sounds like you had a lovely Christmas. I am so glad. It is wonderful to see the pictures of your children. They are beautiful children. I wish we were close enough to get to know them a little.
New PJs for Christmas has always been a favorite tradition of mine. Merry Christmas!! And a wonderful new year!!
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