Friday, September 12, 2008

Ugg! Crazy Week!

This week has been crazy! Every fall it takes me a while to get back into the routine and all the craziness that comes with it. It's taken a while, but I don't scream and protest as much as I used to. I love summer because it's just me and the kids and we can go off on little adventures whenever or just kick back at home. When school starts I kind of feel like my kids aren't all mine anymore. But routine and being a functioning part of society are good things too I know. This year on top of all three of my kids doing soccer, Isabella is also doing band (learning the flute) at the Jr. High which is a ten minute drive from here. She gets to do that three mornings a week before school, then ride a school bus from there back to the elementary school. I'm lucky enough to be able to carpool with another mom (I haven't even had my turn yet, next week) but it still means we are getting up at 6 a.m. three times a week and I am not a morning person at all! But I am getting used to it I guess. This week has been extra crazy because we had a couple extra girls here for a couple days. Isabella has a friend from school who's parents were out of town so we took her and her little sister for a couple of nights.
This has been interesting juggling even more kid stuff. I felt like a drill sergeant cracking the whip getting all that homework done every night! I don't envy those parents who have lots of kids close in age, juggling all the activities and homework. On Tuesday, Isabella had soccer practice at the park down the street at 5:30. Then one of our little house guests had practice at 6:00 over at the elementary. Then it was back to pick up Isabella and going straight back to the school where everyone else was waiting. Then I dumped everyone at home, because Brent was finally home, except for Zoe and ran off with her to her 7:00 practice. So it was quite the adventure. But the kids had a lot of fun having friends over for a couple nights. I kind of wished they would have stayed over the weekend so they could stay up late and party tween style, instead of having so many rules and all that structure and that pesky bedtime! On top of all that, I've had a cold all week. So I'm looking forward to kicking back and relaxing this weekend, after tomorrow's soccer games.


Deborah Allen said...

I know exactly how you feel! I feel like a taxi driver.

The Funky Bunch said...

You are one busy lady!! I am NOT a morning person at all too! I'm definitely glad it's you getting up at 6 and not me! Lol.