Monday, September 8, 2008


I stole this from blogging buddy, Mylee. List 6 quirks then tag 6 people.

1. I like to laugh at stupid things. For example, yesterday just before the closing hymn in Sacrament Meeting at church I flipped open the hymn book to find the closing hymn and landed on a hymn called "Lean On My Ample Arm". I'm sure back in the day when this was written, probably a hundred and some years ago, this was a lovely sentiment. But in today's vernacular it simply means lean on my fat arm. It was just kind of funny and silly to me. So I reached past the kids and showed it to Brent who kind of grinned but remained serious. Then I leaned back and giggled quietly (and irreverently) to myself in a very immature manner for the next few seconds. I apologize to any reader who's Great Great Grandfather or Grandmother may have written this hymn. :)

2. I come up with weird, unorthodox, crazy schemes. I always say something like this to Brent, "Why do we have to do things the way society says is acceptable?" When we were first married I suggested to Brent that we move out of our apartment and live in a campground for the summer to save money. I also once suggested when we sold our old townhouse that we get a van and live in it for a while to save money. I would never actually go through with crazy stunts like these but I definitely have this side that rebels from the status quo a bit.

3. I can't stand misspelled words or bad grammar from myself. I don't really have any way of telling if my grammar sucks but I have to immediately check on any misspelled word I type and have to edit any words I find misspelled later when I go back and read old blog posts. I know, this blog is probably full of misspelled words and grammatical errors that I'm not even aware of making me sound like a complete fool for even bringing this up.

4. I like crappy T.V. Who knows how many T.V. shows I've enjoyed watching that I wouldn't ever admit to. I will admit to one. I've probably seen every episode of Beverly Hills 90210 twice. I know, I'm embarrassed for me too! I will say that my love for the crappy T.V. seems to be diminishing as I get older, so there is still hope for me.

5. I have a hard time going out places at night without Brent and the kids. Maybe it's because I'm sort of a homebody. I do try to make my way out into the world to be social once in a while and get myself out of my comfort zone.

6. I'm a political junkie. Only for presidential elections though. I don't think I know anyone personally who enjoys it as much as I do. It isn't just with this years election either. In 2000 I stayed up 'til probably 2 a.m. watching to see who won before I finally gave up and went to bed. Four years ago I was very into it too. This year I think my obsession has peaked with watching too much CNN and reading too many blogs and talking to anyone who is interested. Annoying some, I'm sure. It's probably kind of like how some people are with televised sports. I feel like my interest will probably wane to more normal human levels in coming elections because I'm sure to suffer significant burn out after this year. Which is probably good.

Tag: Anyone who feels like doing this.


The Funky Bunch said...

I love all of those! I'm very much a speller and hate misspelled words. Drives me crazy. I love BH, 90210 also. I love old shows like that. Like Saved by the Bell and Full House. I have seen all of those at least 3 times! But they're SO good!

Alicia said...

I love 90210!! It's the best We should have a girls night and watch some/all of the episodes!! LOL.

Cindy said...

Mylee, Yeah I remember watching "Saved By The Bell" before work everyday when I was about twenty!

Alicia, We should do that, that would be fun!

Cindy said...

Oh and then we could discuss Tiffany Amber Thiessen's acting in Saved By The Bell vs. 90210! Hahaha!

Deborah Allen said...

I watched even stupider (I know that's not a real word) shows than that. I never missed an episode of "Who's the Boss." I usually watched "Mr. Belvedere" every day too because it was after Who's the Boss. I also never missed that show with Erkel the annoying nerdy neighbor (don't even remember the name of the show). I also love to watch "Wheel of Fortune" and "The Price Is Right" (though it's not the same now that Bob Barker left). I don't have time for TV much anymore, but if I did, I'd watch Rachel Ray every day (probably spelled her name wrong too). I used to be able to spell perfectly till that French class I took in college--permantly messed up my natural spelling abilities.