Sunday, September 21, 2008

Halloween Decorating

I have no life lately. Seriously! It's just all mom duty right now. Keeping the schedule clear so I can be helping out at school, or busing the kids to this or that activity, or overseeing homework and other projects. It's plenty exhausting (for my brain anyway) without trying to find a life for myself.
I do have the season premieres of The Office and Grey's Anatomy to look forward to Thursday, and the first Presidential debate Friday. I know, I'm just a little pathetic!
I did venture out to Super Saturday yesterday. You know (or not), the crafting extravaganza the sisters have every fall over at the church. I didn't have any money (or wall space) to do any of the projects so I brought the projects I purchased about a year ago for the family room downstairs. It was fun, always enjoy a good round of painting, and I got four projects wall ready. But when I came home I took everything downstairs, put it all against the wall to see how it looked and discovered that I must be subliminally obsessed with Halloween. My family room walls have white bead board on the bottom half and orange on the top half. Orange (?) you say. It sounds weird but it's actually a nice, soothing shade and the room has a very zen feel to it, great for working out. It's kind of a pumpkin color. I seriously love it. Every room downstairs is a different fun color, making it look like a "Littlest Pet Shop" house, but it works. So you're probably starting to get the picture with the pumpkin orange wall. I painted this shelf black, which is okay because there is already a black clock on one of the walls. The problem comes with my love of the color green. I've got lots of green in my house because it's my favorite color- all sorts of different shades of it I love. So I had this cork board to paint and this letter "H" that will sit against this mosaic tile board thing we made as a family. I painted the cork board and the "H" green to go with the aqua and green throw pillows. When I looked at it all against the wall I realized it is the same shade of green you would paint a pumpkin stem and leaves. So between the black and the orange and the green it looks really weird and like I purposely meant to decorate my family room in some sort of Fall/Halloween theme. So it's back to the crafting drawing board. I'll have to sand it all down and repaint it another, safer color. Maybe periwinkle. That sounds safe.


Dorine said...


I think that your family room sounds fun. I would love to see it. I hadn't thought of orange as a soothing color, I think of it as an energizing color - I guess that it depends of the shade! :)
So, do you love Halloween? Kate is a fan!! She has collected quite a bit of stuff. :)

Cindy said...

I do like Halloween but it's purely coincidence that my family room is starting to look like a festive Halloween room. I actually prefer Christmas decorations to Halloween. At Christmastime we make tons of snowflakes and hang them from the ceiling in the family room. It's fun for the kids!

I'll have to put up some pictures when I get done with the room!

The Funky Bunch said...

It sounds cool to me! We have some friends think our basement is decorated after the Oakland Raiders because it's gray walls with a black stripe through the center. I just liked the colors.

Kayleigh Mattison Hales said...

I love Halloween, too. In our Laurel class, some of the girls wanted to do something fun for the holiday, but one of the girls piped up and told us how she had been raised that it was a Satanic holiday. Kind of put a damper on our plans.

Cindy said...

Mylee, I guess it's all where your perspective is, huh?

Kristen, That is too funny! Someone always has to ruin the fun!

Jessy said...

I love the colors of your basement. Don't repaint things unless it really bugs you. If you like it, leave it!

The Evans Family said...

I'm sure your family room looks very nice. But if you change to periwinkle, you have my blessing (as if you needed it!) b/c that is my all time favorite color!!