Thursday, November 6, 2008

What's Up This Week

Well it has definitely been kind of a different few days. We had fun watching all the election stuff on Tuesday. The kids were counting the electoral votes and checking out which state went to which candidate. The moment when they announced Obama will be the next president was so exciting and I was really touched seeing the reactions of African Americans around the country when they announced it and when he gave his speech. I can only imagine what it means to African Americans. A person's race is definitely not the reason to vote for them one way or the other but it really is cool in its historical nature. After seeing John McCain being funny on Saturday Night Live and his classy concession speech I remembered that I kind of like this guy.
Zoe was home from school for a couple of days with a neckache. It was weird because Noah stayed home a day last month for the same reason. Neither of them had fevers or any other symptoms (so I could happily rule out meningitis, always the paranoid mom) but I keep wondering, what is up with my kids? Maybe they fall asleep standing on their heads every night.
Today is sad because Brent's Aunt Judy passed away after battling cancer for months. I didn't know her as well as I would have liked to and I'm not as good with situations like this as I wish I could be. I feel like I'm too often a little too socially awkward. But I was grateful for getting to know her a little and for the warm, funny woman she was. I really appreciated it three years ago when she came down to visit Brent's mom and was kind enough to spend a week of her time here staying at our house helping Cathy watch the kids while Brent and I went away for our tenth anniversary. I am very glad to have known her a bit and it was fun to see how much she was getting into everyone's blogs when we all started them a few months back. Whenever someone I know dies, which seems to be too frequently, I feel so grateful to Heavenly Father for the knowledge that he loves all of his children and welcomes them back home.
I had a good conversation with my cool, sweet sister in law today (my brother's wife) who was having a little buyers remorse over the election and possible biblical implications (we've all heard those). I am admittedly not a scriptorian and definitely need to work on that but I did do some praying before the election on whether my choice was a good choice for me to make and I honestly believe everything is going to be okay. Unless it's really time for the second coming, in which case I don't believe our future president is the one bringing it on.
I've been reading the last book in the Twilight series five pages at a time. I haven't gotten into this book like the other books. Maybe because I read all of those one after the other over a couple of weeks last winter and because I have such a short attention span I lost interest. I really didn't care much for the first half. I know I'm in the minority here, that seems to happen a lot to me! But it's finally picking up now that the Nessie part is here, etc. Don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't read it yet. Is there anyone who hasn't read it yet? Brent still asks when the leprechaun is going to show up. He figures if there are vampires and werewolves then why not leprechaun's too? Maybe I'll finally get it finished this weekend.


Kayleigh Mattison Hales said...

As you know, I read them all between Christmas and New Year's last year. I thought they were OK, but I'm pretty sure I won't be reading the new one unless it shows up at my house and I'm bookless otherwise at the time. Hopefully it will get better for you as I know you enjoyed the others. All I hear about is how Edward is a hottie!

Ware Family said...

I'm so sorry about Brent's aunt. I'm so grateful for the knowledge we have too. I can't imagine not knowing what happens after death because it's traumatic even when you do know!
I read the last Twilight and I totally didn't see "it" coming if you know what I mean, but I liked it in the end, although I wish there were more to the ending.
And by the way, I totally agree with you on the politics stuff--the "Obama is the beginning of the end" thing drives me nuts. I think as long as we listen to the prophet, we're going to be okay.