Sunday, November 16, 2008

Another Quiz

1. Did you date someone from your school? Only friends to dances.
2. What kind of car did you drive? My Stepdad's Mazda truck and a 1977 Chevy Impala.
3. What was the most embarrassing moment of HS? Probably when I asked this guy (major crush) to a dance in an elaborate way and found out he was going with someone else, then avoided seeing him so I didn't have to be humiliated when he turned me down. I was still humiliated.
4. Were you a party animal? Not at all. Not my style and my Stepdad was too scary to even attempt it!
5. Were you considered a flirt? Too shy.
6. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? No, no, and no.
7. Were you a nerd? Nerd? Not really. Mostly just blended in.
8. Were you on any varsity teams? Cross Country and Track. Also lettered in drama! Couldn't act at all....
9. Did you get suspended/expelled? Nope, wasn't much of a trouble maker.
10. Can you still sing the fight song? I totally can! "Jordan High School student are we...."
11. Who were your favorite teachers? Mrs. Smith, Junior Honors English. She wore the weirdest hippy outfits, was always trying to find the pen that was in her hair, was totally creative and invited us to her cool Harvard/Yale neighborhood home to watch The Great Gatsby.
12. Where did you sit during lunch? Usually hallway or stairwell.
13. School mascot? Beetdiggers (coolest and nerdiest mascot ever!)
14. Did you go to homecoming, and with who? Let's see, Bryan Sorenson, Murray Guy. He hit a car with his Mom's Suburban while we were picking everyone up.
15. If you could go back and do it again, would you? Not high school, maybe the twenties.
16. What do you remember most about graduation? Driving downtown to a loser party after at a hotel then leaving and hanging out at Connie Palmer's (Conehead's) house. I remember it was kind of a downer, I was moving to Arizona the next day.
17. Where did you go senior skip day? We didn't have one but I did end up at Murray Park at least once.
18. Were you in any clubs? Archeology Club, Key Club.
19. Have you gained some weight since then? Are you serious? It's been almost twenty years! Cut me some slack here!
20. Who was your prom date? Jr. Prom was Jeff Wilson.
21. Are you planning on going to your next reunion? Probably, but because of Facebook I'm not very excited. It's taken away the element of surprise.
22. Looking back, what advice would you give yourself? Relax and study hard, don't get so embarrassed by everything!!


Anonymous said...

NIce Morrissey songs! :)

Cindy said...

Sometimes you're just in a Morrissey mood!:)

Ritsumei said...

I swiped your meme.

Cindy said...


Ware Family said...

Hey, I didn't know you were a beetdigger!
I was a Hawk.

Cindy said...

I actually lived right behind Alta for most of high school. I just refused to go there after moving so much. Needed a little stability!

Kayleigh Mattison Hales said...

I want to know what you're doing blogging at 2:30am!

The Funky Bunch said...

I love that. There were so interesting things about you! I'm excited to do it on my blog now!

Anonymous said...

She was blogging at 2:30am, because she allowed me to steal her husband away for a few days (many thanks, Cindy) - and she couldn't sleep!!

Cindy said...

You're one to talk! 4:38 a.m.!
(Who sleeps well in hotels, right?)