Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Lefties Rule

I was thinking about how I noticed that John McCain and Barack Obama are both left handed, taking notice because I am left handed. I remembered that Bill Clinton was also left handed. So I was wondering what other presidents were left handed. Lefty presidents include James A. Garfield, Herbert Hoover, Harry S. Truman, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and Bill Clinton. I guess Ronald Reagan wrote with his right hand but was one of those who in the old days was forced to learn to write with his right hand. You know, because being a lefty was a sign of evil (or at least thought to be at one time). There were possibly other left handed presidents but they were probably forced to go "right" as kids too. I find it interesting that four of the last five presidents (counting President-Elect Obama) are left handed. This may suggest it is also interesting that George W. Bush is not left handed (no, in my biased viewpoint he definitely could not be a lefty. LOL). Additionally, John McCain is left handed, as mentioned, as well as former presidential contenders Al Gore and Ross Perot. It's statistically interesting considering only 10% of the population is left handed. Is there something about being left handed that makes one more naturally equipped to become president? That's probably a bit of a stretch. I've always found it to be an interesting quirk for myself. Brent has made fun of my left-handedness in the past. The first time he saw me write anything was when we worked together back in "ye olden days" and I was figuring some numbers for the press we were working on. Writing in the way I was with the typical left handed tight grasp on a pen or pencil, Brent walked up to me and in a caveman voice said, "Me write big numbers". I don't write nearly as much as when I was a kid so I've lost the left hander callous on my left pinky that comes from dragging the hand across the paper, also resulting in pen and pencil all over the side of my hand causing me to reach down from my desk and rub my hand on the carpet at school as a method of removal. I was a little disappointed that none of my kids turned out left handed. Brent was just a little too triumphant over that one I think. So does this all mean that when your left handed kid grows up, assuming you have a left handed kid, that he or she will have a better shot at the oval office? Who knows? But it appears it couldn't hurt.


Anonymous said...

Interesting observation - I did notice the left-handedness of the candidates - especially during the debates. I'm not certain that is an in-road to the Oval Office - but it does indicate the person is one of high intellect. (Now tell that to Brent!)

Marc Gingell said...

Hmmmmm.....interesting. My husband is also left handed and sorely disappointed that none of our offspring are. He tried. Kept telling them the utensil was in the wrong hand. Got so excited whenever something was in the left hand and then had his hopes crushed when it was moved to the right. Oh well :)

Kayleigh Mattison Hales said...

I guess that explains our "brain child," Kayleigh! It doesn't, however, explain my left-handed sister, Alllison.

Christy said...

interesting thoughts...peyton's left handed so, maybe one day he'll want to run for president. sounds like he's got a good head start .....hehehe

Jules said...

Very Interesting. Hmmm. Kind of makes me think.