Thursday, November 5, 2009

Blog Post # something, something, something

I have so little to write about lately. I'm just doing the day to day tasks with my family and studying for school. Things are happening, but nothing that seems worth blogging about. Last night I had a dream. Actually, this morning, right before I woke up. I dreamed that I volunteered to make lunches, and deliver them, to every kid at every elementary school in the Jordan School District. I don't even live in the Jordan School District. But I was feeling overwhelmed at the task before me. Thousands of lunches had to be made and delivered and it was 11:30 already. I was never so grateful for Brent to wake me up and kiss me goodbye for work. I was so happy I didn't really have to make all those lunches, and so happy I wasn't really so stupid as to accept such an impossible job. How dare they even ask a person to do such a huge task, by herself, in one morning?

In other news, I had a scratchy feel in my eye for a couple of days so I went to the eye doctor on Monday. Apparently I have small pit on my eye that is filled with bacteria. Nice. I have to put antibiotic eye drops in my left eye for a week. To keep the pit from burrowing into the center of my eye and making me need my eye surgically removed. (Slight exaggeration here.) The eye drops drip down my sinuses and I can taste them in my throat. Eeew. You didn't want to read that, did you?

1 comment:

Anne Chovies said...

You mean you put the drops in your eye and they make their way from there into your sinus? That really is "Eeeeew!"