Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday Conversation

Cindy: "Do you want to walk to church today?"

Brent: "Nooo." (thinks it's too hot)

Cindy: "What kind of example are we setting for our children? That when you grow up everywhere?"

Brent: "When I was a kid we drove to church every Sunday. Now we walk when the weather is nice."

Cindy: "What qualifies as nice weather? Between 75 and 85 degrees? That only adds up to about a dozen days a year!"

Brent: "And only two of them are on Sunday." (laughs)


Anne Chovies said...

We lived less than a block from church once, for a little while. We usually walked, unless the weather was bad, because it took more time to find a park than to drive from home to the parking lot. Can't do that out here, tho we do live close enough that the kids have ridden their bikes on occassion.

Anonymous said...

That's my son!!

Ritsumei said...

That's pretty funny. We're close enough to ride bikes to church too, though it takes some time. And doesn't work on Sunday cuz bikes and dresses are really a pain.