Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Today I took the kids to the dentist. Ending my five year stint as an Anti-Dentite. No cavities! Maybe I'm not a complete failure as a mom. Maybe my dental insurance isn't the world's worst dental insurance. Maybe dentistry isn't a sham after all!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on no cavities - Dentists are at least good for confirming you are doing a good job!!

Ware Family said...

I actually kinda like the dentist--do I need therapy?
However, I have never had a cavity so I'm sure if the tables ever turn I won't say that anymore!

Morgen said...

hey, found your blog on facebook..I am adding you to my list:)

Cindy said...

I've never had a cavity either, so I tend to think dentists are unnecessary. It would change for me too if I ever get one I'm sure!