Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Coincidence? I Don't Know....

A couple of weeks ago I finally got around to removing my Barack Obama bumper sticker from the back of my car. (Someone had to represent the mini van drivers of America.)

It was time.

Since then I haven't noticed anyone tailgating me in big trucks driven by rednecks. Similarly, I haven't had anyone try to drive me off the road. Yes, it only happened that one time but after thinking it through thoroughly it was the only logical explanation of why someone would do that.

So is it a coincidence? We may never know for sure.


Alice said...

That's scary Cindy, I didn't know that happened to you! It's amazing that in our world we cannot have open minded people who respect each other's differences and opinions.

Cindy said...

The tailgating has just been annoying. Nothing I was actually worried about. The guy who almost ran me off the road? Maybe I'm just being paranoid and he was just stupid...or drunk(?)

Anonymous said...

Well, my Obama/Biden magnetic sticker is still on my fridge. So far no one has threatened to rip off the door!! I saw a car the other day with major Ron Paul stuff all over it - including a large sign on the roof. Now, it is indeed time for that one to be retired - goes way back to the Primaries!!

Becky said...

I'm sorry you've had experiences like that! Whatever the reason. But your voice in your stories just cracks me up!