Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Cable Guy

Earlier today Brent called me the homemaking version of the cable guy: "Oh, I'll get to it, be ready to leave, etc. sometime between 8 and 5...."
It's true. I hate being tied down to doing things at a certain time. I much prefer in a while or later or I don't know to the concrete. This could be a problem when I go back to school in the fall.* He has also noticed I can't stick to a recipe (or any directions for that matter) without tweaking it to suit my own taste. Well, I just have better ideas I guess. :)

*Yes, for those I've yet to tell, I've been accepted to Utah State and will be going back to school in the fall at the local extension! Here come the recurring nightmares of me flunking out of high school again because I'm too dumb. No, I didn't flunk out of high school. My dreams just immediately sink me down to the lowest common denominator.


Jules said...

Sounds awesome! What are you majoring in? I still get those nightmares and I've been out of school 12 years now.

Cindy said...

Elementary Ed. I hate to announce that because I feel like people are thinking, "You? You can't do that!"
I do have 3-4 years to prepare though (and get over my self esteem issues).

Ware Family said...

Wow, good for you.

Some days make me want to go back to school. Even though I already have a degree!
You know, those days when you are struggling for words bigger than "potty" or "binky."
Sometimes I feel like the twins killed all of my brain cells.
I constantly tell myself "I used to be smart!"

The Evans Family said...

Good luck Cindy - what are you going to study? So much for not wanting to be tied down :)

Anne Chovies said...

I like to call it "keeping things flexible." Drives the planner-types nuts. I think you'll do great and I think you'll make a great teacher!

Alicia said...

That is great that your going back to school! That is awesome. I'm with Heather...a little jealous. You'll have to keep us posted on how it's going.