Sunday, April 26, 2009

Is Everyone Crazy?

Maybe it's just because church starts at one and I have too much time to kill on Sundays. I was standing there in my dress. A dress that is clearly past it's prime since I bought it right after Isabella was born. It's an ugly dress. A jumper. I used to love the jumpers but they have long ago gone the way of rolled up jeans and midriff baring tops. All of which are certain to come back in style any day now. Most likely the midriff baring tops will make their way back first since they are never gone for too long. Unfortunately. So I'm standing there in my ugly jumper thinking how my shirt looks ugly with my ugly jumper. I've always liked the fabric and the length of this jumper (very long). Many times I've thought it would make a nice skirt. So right then I take it off and cut the top off and Voila! Instant skirt. I suppose later I should hem it up at the top. But not today, I'm wearing my cut off dress with my long shirt and cami covering the cut part. I don't think anyone can tell, at least not unless they read this. I do realize I am the last person anyone should take fashion advice from. I've been told repeatedly over the last twenty years by my own sister, no less, that I have no style. I don't think I dress like a complete loser but I'll be the first to admit that since I gained twenty unnecessary pounds I hate buying clothes. So, I ask you, is this crazy?

A couple of months ago I was standing in front of the bathroom mirror, looking at my sort of curly hair. Last summer I discovered I suddenly had curly hair. "Enough with the curly hair already!" as Brent would say. So I thought it was kind of cool at first so I decided to try to let it grow and see what would come of it. Well I was looking in the mirror thinking, "I hate that frizzy looking part at the bottom." It wasn't really growing into the beautiful crown of curls I had delusionally envisioned. So I took out the scissors and cut it myself right then. I had nothing but a four inch mirror to see the back of it. I know, this goes against the code of all that is sacred and true for a real woman. But then I don't paint my nails or wear high heels. I'd sometimes like to wear high heels, if for no other reason than to be six feet tall; but alas, they hurt my back too much. So I've always had a sort of "screw the code" attitude. In my defense, it was Friday afternoon so if I really botched it I'd still have Saturday morning to go fix it. It turned out to be one of the best haircuts I've ever had. I don't have much luck with professionals anyway. I've been to the expensive stylists and the super cheap stylists. The results are all pretty similar. Very few stylists have even an inkling of know how when it comes to cutting very, very, very, fine hair. And sadly, that is what I have.

Those are just two examples of things I do when no one is around to stop me. So I wonder, does everyone do crazy stuff like this when alone and left to their own devices? Or is it just me who is a little crazy? Either way it's okay. I'm of the belief that crazy begats creativity.


The Burila Bunch said...

Cindy you are brave!! I wish I had your courage to cut my own hair and to create a new skirt from the 6 or 7 year old dress in my closet that is sitting there because I am to frugile to buy another one. I am like you in that I hate painting my nails, the paint is chipped within 3 hours anyway. I wore a sweater to church today that I have had for at least 10 years. I once did not buy a pair of new shoes for almost six years. I don't really like the new pair and wished I had my old pair back. I think I will fit fine into the new Economic Crisis fashions. I love that you are so yourself, and not what everyone else thinks we should be.

Anonymous said...

I just love you!!

Kayleigh Mattison Hales said...

I knew a woman once who had a yellow dress that had been worn in a wedding reception. Nice dress, nothing frilly. After church one day, she came home and literally tore it off her body so that she didn't have to dwell on the fact that she hated it anymore. So, if you're crazy, at lease you're not alone!

And I cut my hair all the time! I'm sure it's obvious to everyone. I just have Jenny or Tara trim off any scragglies that I can't get to. Much cheaper than the cheap AND expensive salons! I agree with the results of both. I recently spent about three times more than normal (because I also had a coupon) and don't like it any better...and no one noticed!

Kayleigh Mattison Hales said...

Ok, so I really do know that it should be "least," not "lease." Ugh!

Anonymous said...

HA HA HA!!! You make me laugh! Just remember, we love you just the way you are!!! Do Not Change A Thing!!!!

Anne Chovies said...

Now you're making me wish there was a picture to go with this great story!

Ware Family said...

I think we are all crazy, you are just brave enough to admit it.
When I have bangs, I have a bad habit of cutting them myself when they get long enough to start bugging me. I always regret it, every time. But I still do it...

Deborah Allen said...

I heard a story of a woman (it was a mother of one of my good friends, but I can't remember who told me this story) who had been asking her hubby for 20 years to take this annoying wall out between the dining room and the family room, or make it a half-wall. One Thanksgiving, he was out of town, all of the adult kids & the grandkids were there. After dinner, she exclaimed that she couldn't take it any more, came back in with a chain saw & proceded to cut the wall in half. They all thought she'd lost her mind. Needless to say, she finally got her half-wall cuz her hubby had to fix her mess.

Ritsumei said...

There's a whole fashion movement based on re-doing you old clothes or thrifted clothes. I dabble, though I'm fussy enough that it's hard to find things that suit me. Lots of the ideas out there are a bit too goth for my taste!

We bought a clipper because then I can trim Andy's hair for him. I looked up online how to do Monkey's. And I cut mine as infrequently as I think I can get away with every 1-2 years, because I'm too cheap to pay for a haircut.

There's nothing wrong with you at all. Personally, the ones I think are crazy are the ones that spend all that time effort & money on appearance.