So the Friday after Zoe's birthday she had her birthday party. We did a scavenger hunt. (Or is it a treasure hunt? Not sure what the difference is.) The kids had a lot of fun searching for the treasure. I had a lot of fun planning it, always like getting crafty! And it was a record planning time for me- five days! It was threatening rain but the weather turned out just right. I made the party a little too long and girls were running around starting to get bored at the end but other than that it went off without a hitch. Brent made the cool treasure map above.

Running in search of clues
Reading a clue at the park

Puting the treasure map together

The treasure chest

The booty!

That party sounds so cool. My boys would have loved it. Brent did an awesome job on the map - so professional. I love the picture with Noah in it, looking at everything Zoe is getting!
what a fun/cool idea - I may steal that from you someday when my kids are just a bit older!
happy birthday Zoe!
I'm glad the party was a success. Ellie sure did have fun. We may use this idea sometime!
What a fun idea? I've never been a good enough mom to have parties where I actually invited other people. Of course, now that I'm older and much more mature...
That actually wasn't supposed to be a question. I guess I need to learn punctuation!!!
What a creative mama you are, I am sure it was a hit!
How fun! What a great way to run off some energy! Or did it just get them wound up? Either way, I bet they remember it as one of the funner parties they went to.
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