Why don't the grocery stores sell the plain Malto Meal Scooters anymore? You know, the cereal like cheerios. Scooters were cheaper and tasted better. Now I have to buy cheerios or the store brand which taste weird. Just wondering and it really annoys me.
Why does the brown stuff in the center of salmon taste fishier than the pink part? Yeck!
So today in the car going to the credit union in Magna and one last try to find the scooters at the Smith's out there I told Noah to remind me later and we could get our Halloween decorations out. We are (I am) being very slow this year with that. Noah's reply to me: For my birthday? Noah's birthday isn't until January but he has been talking about it all the time lately and he has decided he wants to have a Halloween birthday party. I guess it's as good a time as any to get a jump start on the decorating, huh? My reply to him: No....for Halloween. Funny kid.
Last week they had Red Ribbon week at school. You know, the drug prevention week where they dress up everyday and have assemblies and such. So kids from the local high school came to talk to the elementary kids. Isabella was telling me about it later and she says something to the effect of: "Mom the kid in the assembly said that when we are grown ups we can do drugs if we want to but now we shouldn't. I don't think he should have said that, kids shouldn't do drugs now or when they are grown ups." Smart girl! I mentioned it to Noah's teacher and she said her son heard the same thing at his school. Something like, when you're an adult you can make your own decisions and do drugs if you choose to but now you shouldn't. I agree with Isabella, you shouldn't do drugs as a kid or adult. I think they need to work on their confusing talking points!
So I teach the ten year olds in primary at church (Isabella's in my class). We've been practicing for the upcoming sacrament meeting primary program. My friend Lisa is the senior primary chorister and she was trying to get the kids to sing louder. She told them in sacrament meeting they want everyone to hear them so sing loud enough so that old lady sitting in the back can hear you (paraphrasing Lisa here). So half the kids turn around and look at me! They take things so literally. So after we went to class and I announced to the class, I am
NOT the old lady sitting in the back! They all thought it was very funny of course. :)