Friday, January 28, 2011

Belated Christmas Post

I never got around to blogging about Christmas. Well, it was a good one. We had fun with family, Brent's mom was in town and stayed with us on Christmas Eve again. Noah got this telescope which turned out to be larger than him. This wasn't planned. Santa was supposed to bring a simple telescope that would be fun for him. He's wanted one for a while-mostly to spy on people out in the soccer field across the street. Hopefully we can make good use of it this summer when the clouds finally go away and at the star parties at the local observatory. The girls got digital cameras and have been having fun with them. They have a video mode so Zoe has been having fun making videos of herself pretending she is having a tantrum. (The things that entertain an 11 year old.)

Brent was sick on Christmas, my poor man, and I was exhausted. I had some minor outpatient surgery a couple of weeks before and between that and all the Christmas prep I was so worn out by the time Christmas day came. So it was a pretty low key day at home with just a short trip over to see my dad and step-mom.

New Years Eve I decided to be nice and volunteered to take the girls and their friends to the ice skating rink that is about 30 minutes away. I misread the weather again and while they all carried on having a good time in the car, I was white knuckling it down the freeway in an ugly storm. But all ended well and the storm had let up by the time we headed home. Luckily, we no longer have suicide tires on the van. New years day we headed over to the sledding hill. I love that we have a big hill that is perfect for sledding just down the street. So that about wraps it up, plus a boat load of pics:

I guess this last one will work in the Christmas post. It was over Christmas break I believe. Zoe and her friend Ellie were messing around with legos and decided to make a lego bathroom. From left to right you've got the tub, sink (with a storm trooper washing up), toilet with a toilet paper holder (yes someone is sitting on it, is this appropriate for my G/PG blog?), and a shower. It was too funny not to immortalize it with the camera.

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