Saturday, July 31, 2010

A Sink In The Woods, You Say?

Insanity is washing your hair at 5:30 in the morning in a dirty shallow sink in the woods with ice cold water and a bar of soap. It was Dove soap though-with 1/4 moisturizing cream. So it worked pretty well.

Yes, it was time for the annual family camping trip. I can't sleep camping. I wake up fifty times hearing sounds in the woods, usually bears I'm certain. However, the first night I, we all, slept great in our tent. I think it was because conditions were optimal. I went to bed at a proper time (midnight, usually it's to early). The air mattress was inflated properly. I didn't sleep on the wrong side of Brent as I usually do camping (I usually take the side closest to the kids which isn't the normal side at home). I had plenty of blankets so I didn't have to wake up from dreams of sleeping in a meat locker sandwiched between two large slabs of frozen beef. So it all worked out amazingly well the first night. The second night was another story. This time I was too hot and nearby campers had a small child that kept howling in the night. At five I was hot, sticky, grubby, tired of lying awake, and felt it was probably the ideal time to go get my self clean with a towel and a bar of soap in the restroom (this campground is awesome for it's flushing toilets and sink with running water). So that is how I ended up washing my hair with a bar of soap at 5:30 in the morning. I did because I was there, the soap was there, the sink was there. That is all. Oh, and the towel was there, of course.

Other than that it all went great and we had a great time. Brent's mom, Cathy, joined us in her little RV so that was new and fun. We saw a moose, or moosette rather. And then we saw her again, making her way through the campground. Missy the Moose, we named her. We took a vote and everyone said Aye, in favor of Missy. Some said Missy wasn't a very Moosey name but they didn't offer any alternative suggestions so Missy the Moose it was. We hiked, played in the shallow part of the creek, the kids were happy 90% of the time, it didn't rain like the weather said it likely would. Good times at campout 'oh-ten!

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