Monday, March 9, 2009

Happy Tag!

6 Things that make me happy:

1. Great, energetic piano music.
2. Running and getting hyper to great energetic piano music.
3. People who do kind things when I feel I don't deserve it.
4. Being hopeful about the future in hard times. I don't care what you say, Glenn Beck, I'm going to try to prepare for the worst while being hopeful for the future. That's not exactly how I wanted to phrase that but I didn't want to go all PG on you.
5. Having a husband who I have things in common with- being passionate about similar things and finding humor in similar things. Not everything , of course, but enough to make life good.
6. Cute, blond children.

I tag: Ritsumei, Jen, Jenn, Terri, Isabella, and Zoe


Ritsumei said...

Oh, fun! I don't know if I'll be able to get to this terribly soon: I have some giveaways that I need to blog. But it looks like lots of fun.

Ware Family said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one in the world not buying into Glen Back's mass hysteria.
I also believe, prepare for the worst, hope for the best, and be happy! There is not much of that going around these days.
I swear if I get one more doomsday email forward.....