Sunday, August 31, 2008

My little boy is a big kid now!

Noah started Kindergarten this week! He is having a lot of fun. He is still a little nervous, but he's doing great! The first day he was fine until his dumb mom stared him down a little too long while she was trying not to cry, making him start to cry. But Brent talked with him and all was good. That's why I insist he come with me on the first day of school (he likes to too, of course!) Then we watched him on the playground and he ran back and forth between us and the kids and went into the class just fine when the teacher came out. Noah and I have been riding bikes to school everyday. I'm loving that, it was too much of a pain with the girls when they were in kindergarten, with younger siblings in tow, since I never really got along with the bike trailer. We just zip over to the school and back after. It's fun doing that with him. I guess the girls could walk him home from school but I walked them when they were little and I want to enjoy this short time I have left with him before he's too big and rides off with the scooter gang. Yesterday before we left he asked what time he would be home. I told him 3:30, then he went in his room, picked up his big teddy bear and told him when he would be home, giving him a kiss and a hug. It was seriously too cute.

Noah's first day of Kindergarten!


Anne Chovies said...

That’s sounds so amazing! The youngest, off to his first day of school. Wow. I like the part about keeping his teddy bear informed. That way he can wait better. Cool.

The Funky Bunch said...

I really can't believe they're in Kindergarten. It's so crazy and time has flew! With me it's only my first, but your last! Very crazy!!! At least the boys are in a great class! I'm excited for them!

The Evans Family said...

What a sweet little boy - I hope he's enjoying school. And with so much free time, I hope you're able to put up more Obama signs in the neighborhood :)

Ritsumei said...

What a cutie!