Wednesday, August 6, 2008

girl meets blog

So I have this other blog called "girl meets blog". Originally the purpose of this was to write about whatever I didn't feel like sharing on this blog. I very occasionally have this slightly dark side and I feel like ranting about things that only interest me. So I made this private blog. But I didn't like it because a part of me likes writing something and putting it out there into the universe so to speak. I wasn't necessarily looking for strangers to read my thoughts but I didn't really care if they did, as long as they were strangers. So I made the blog public. But then, since it was supposed to be more personal stuff, I didn't want anyone I knew to stumble upon it. So I started making up fake names for me and the family. Then I realized I might have to make up other fake details of our lives, such as where we lived. It started getting complicated because I'd forget what the names were or I'd change them because the names didn't fit us just right. Then I started going to friends blogs where I'd start to make a comment and realize I was logged in under this other blog name. So I almost "outed" myself a few times. Well it got to be way too complicated and not worth the effort. I guess I'm not cut out to be a spy. So I changed it back to private and lost the pseudonym. I know it's all kind of strange, but that's me sometimes. So this was pretty much all for naught since my other blog has become a place where I do nothing but log my workouts. Nothing scandalous there, or especially interesting either. I guess I don't have much of a dark side after all. I have only one blog entry that relates to anything other than exercise. So I guess I'll share it with you. This is the one I was making up names and such for (I later changed the names back to the real ones). It concerns our need for an exterminator earlier this summer. I know, why would I need a whole new identity to discuss my need for the bug guy to come to my house? That's a question that may never be answered. It may not be interesting to anyone, but what the heck. And it doesn't really fit in with my exercise log.

Eeew, Ick, Gross

About three weeks ago I was in the kitchen where I saw this thing in the sink that looked like either a little stick or a worm. Turns out it was a wormy little creature. Of course I screamed, then washed it down the sink. Soon after that, these wormy little creatures started showing up in the girl's bedroom downstairs and then in Noah's room. Brent says they are baby caterpillars. We haven't come to a consensus on exactly what they are. All I know is they are disgusting and I freak out every time I see one. We decided to wait 'til after our vacation to do anything and see if they'd just go away on their own but it doesn't seem to be happening. If they are caterpillars then it makes me think they will probably turn into something else eventually, like moths (it's highly doubtful that I could soon have pretty butterflies flying all around my house, that could be cool though). If and when that happens, and maybe now (I don't know the eating habits of caterpillars except for what I've read in the children's book "The Hungry Caterpillar") they will probably start eating things like clothes or carpet or who knows what. I finally got too disgusted with it all today and called an exterminator. A part of me feared we'd come back from our trip and find dozens of them throughout the house, not what I want to come home to after a long road trip. So they're coming tomorrow and they said the stuff they spray is safe for children. They even said the stuff they use is approved by the EPA. Well if it's good enough for the Environmental Protection Agency who am I too question? Ha ha. It's also a good opportunity to try to get the ants that are starting to show up in the yard again. Last year my method of extermination was to pour boiling water on them. It was somewhat successful and quite entertaining to the kids. The only problem is boiling water kills grass along with ants. (Originally written June 10, 2008.)

Update: The worms are now gone. I guess it was worth it to have my throat burn for three hours after the bug guy filled our house up with noxious chemicals!


Anonymous said...

Cindy, you are soooooooo delightful. I love reading your blog and tonight my sides hurt from laughing.

The Funky Bunch said...

That is hilarious! I can't get over how funny you are! (And a good funny). I love it!! Your blog is one I look forward to reading because you are such a good writer. Always use great words and put things just right. Love it!


Only I love ya!

Jules said...

I didn't know you had an altar ego (sp?). Made up names and a fake life. That cracks me up. Thanks for sharing.
I think most people blog about the stuff that was especially good that day - not about the way they yelled at their kids or how they haven't scrubbed their toilet for 3 weeks. It makes sense if writing is your outlet, that you'd want to write about the good, the bad, AND the ugly.

Alicia said...

You crack me up! Whenever I need a pick me up, I come to your blog.