Friday, April 6, 2012

Coming Back?

I've been thinking about starting up the blog again. It's been a while since I've posted anything and an even longer while since I posted regularly. Honestly, I don't know if I have much to say right now. A quick update would be: I'm in month 8 of my medical assisting program. I regularly let people stick needles in my arm just for the heck of it. I hope soon to stick needles in their arms just for the heck of it. I should be there soon. Just have to memorize the order, color and purpose of the blood tubes and twenty other quick and easy steps. Easy??? Last week we went to Arches National Park for the first time and stayed in Moab. I could post some pictures of that. All I can say is it was beautiful- the Delicate Arch is even more majestic in person than in photos, walking up a mountain of sand looks super strange but is actually fun, and polenta lasagna is more tasty than it sounds. I've also come to the conclusion that I have big, Mormon teeth. There, I said it. It's true. They aren't quite white enough for Mormon teeth though. Though that may be an unnatural state of whiteness.

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