Monday, June 20, 2011

Oh Yeah, That Birthday

Oh, blog. What will it take to get me to post more on you?

I'm wondering what I should do. Whenever I answer the phone people think I'm a teenager. Now they think I am my daughter. Should I start smoking? That ought to give me a nice husky voice. Like Natalie Merchant in her later albums. I don't care for those later albums. Smoking is so 1980s though.

I never even blogged about my fortieth birthday spectacular. (I finally got it in my head, just in time, that there is no "U" in forty. I still reject the spelling on a certain level, but I'm slowly accepting it.) What did I do? After telling 39 it could "suck it" and 39 saying to me, "Right back at ya, babe!" I decided I better show 40 a good time. It's been so long I've nearly forgotten. The original plan was to hike to the top of a nearby mountain. It sounded like a good plan for turning forty but then I discovered, especially in a year as wet as this one, that I would likely be hiking through waste deep snow halfway up the mountain. First, our weekend getaway plans (for Brent and me) got postponed. So on Sunday, my birthday, we just drove up Big Cottonwood Canyon and watched the rushing creek and hiked around a bit. It was a beautiful day, I remember. Brent volunteered to make me a gluten free cheesecake which was delicious. The kids made me birthday videos on the ipad! I wish they were on you tube so I could post them here. The next weekend we had our getaway to the city (it was also our anniversary weekend-16 years!- so that worked out great.) We wandered around, saw some art, saw a movie, ate a reeeaally good hamburger and just had fun being together.

But the best part of the birthday extravaganza was the Tuesday after my birthday. This wasn't planned for months or a year or more like some had planned for this. Two weeks before my birthday I thought, nothing exciting is going on the weekend of my birthday, so why not buy myself some tickets to U2, dang it! And so I did. Invited Isabella to come along with me. I can't say I'm a U2 superfan but of course I like U2. And being the music lover I am I think I know more of their songs than the average non U2 superfan. All I can say is it was one amazing concert! The best show I've ever seen, maybe even! I think I knew all but maybe two of the songs and I think I love that Bono and his humanitarian loving ways just a little bit.

So it was a great birthday extravaganza, I have to say. And it's not even done yet. I'm feeling pretty good. I'm on month 3 of Chalean Extreme (a three month workout program). Lifting heavy weights. My muscles are huge! You should see them! I kid guys, but my arms are looking decent and I've lost the beginnings of armulite. You know, cellulite on the upper arms. So, there's that too. And in July the fun continues when I go to Seattle (oh Seattle, how I've missed you!) to celebrate with a dear old friend who will also turn forty. So we will be having a great time celebrating our forty year old awesomeness together.

Isabella had a great time at the concert playing videographer:

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