Sunday, June 6, 2010

These Kids of Mine

It's been one of those weeks where you just look back and think, Dang I love those kids!

First of all, Noah. Noah uses his foot as a break for his bike. His bike has a couple of perfectly functional breaks so I cannot be blamed for this. Unlike so many other traumas in my children's lives. This time he was unfortunately wearing his flipflops and it all ended in bloody hysterics and Noah later hobbling around like a spazy old man.

                               Big bandaged toe there on the left foot

Zoe had her end of year piano recital. She struggled and it was touch and go there for a minute but she didn't quit and she ended up doing quite well. She was a trooper and I was a proud mama.

Isabella graduated from elementary school! I can't believe she is off to Jr. High in the fall. She has worked so hard and I'm so proud of her.

                                           First day of kindergarten

Last day of sixth grade and elementary school. Ready for Jr. High. Help us all!                                               

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Grandma loves those kids of yours too! They are super special!! (as are their Mom and Dad).